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A Bit About Us

Here at Coffee Afrik, we see the value in everyone. We want to be a catalyst for positive change and since our birth in 2018, we have been driven by our core values centred on community support, empowerment and equality for all. Learn more about our mission, our vision, and how we go about making the changes we want to see.

High Fives
About: About Us


At Coffee Afrik, our top priority is to achieve results, and we know that our success depends on the quality of our campaigns and partnerships. Our approach is to build strategic networks and promote programs that will help advance our work. Learn more about the causes we’re passionate about and get in touch with us to see how you can get involved.


Community Development


Our focus is to reduce health inequalities whilst creating good noise and good trouble to magnify intersectional issues and harnessing joint third sector support: by having co-production as a core function. We apply our unique referral pathway model pioneered through our experts by experience to amplify all of our multiple projects. 


We see every challenge as an opportunity, and this initiative helps us ensure that our clients are better prepared to manage the unique situations they find themselves in. We have built an innovative approach that empowers our community and delivers the support they need when they need it, with a focused no referral pathway approach. Access for all, with love at our core. 

Support Services

As an organsiation we campaign for more partnership work with primary, secondary care and third sector organisations focused and producing outcomes in one blended team: sustaining a winning team, that is open, vibrant and has healthy conflict. 


Through our blended leadership team, we have the potential to make a real and positive change in the community. This is one of our key areas of focus here at Coffee Afrik, and a source of much success for social enterprise focused work. Get in touch with us today and see how you can lend a helping hand with this program.

Women Holding Hands

Education & Outreach

The appointment of our founder on an NHS England board as a member of a London Wide Mental Health transformation has allowed for key lessons to be gained around community intelligence and POC service access inequality. around the provision of mental health services. Our ability to give detailed knowledge, data whilst being an expert by experience is unique to the boards makeup.


Our Founder has contributed towards large-scale transformation occurring around this space, particularly around culturally competent services and a deep understanding of a no referral culture which ensures all citizens are supported. 


Most of our efforts pertaining to this program involve studying new approaches and developing innovative ways to implement them. We evaluate our success in this field by gathering qualitative and quantitative data and using that information to measure shifts and changes from our baseline measurements.

Food Coop

We currently run 7 active culturally competent hubs across multiple boroughs. We launched our first in 2018 in partnership with the Felix Project and Fareshare. Since our launch, we have witnessed a gradual increase in the demand for our services. This was further accelerated by the pandemic which brought about extreme hardships for many families in the local community.


The plight of poverty was highlighted by our work with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation which reported on the impact Covid19 has had in contributing towards many families falling below the poverty line.


Soup Kitchen
About: Programs


Showcase of Work


TNL: Somali Digital Peer to Peer Support Group

A Real Success Story

We launched the UK's first-ever Somali digital peer-to-peer support pathway for women. We launched this project to help heal a community with existing undiagnosed mental health conditions. 


The success of our pilot project has been captured in a impact report and has been received positively by funders, local authorities, public health Directors. 

Community Mental Health Transformation

Advocating for Culturally Competent Services

Coffee Afrik partnership with ELFT, campaigning for a reduction in health inequalities, highlighting intersectional issues, and creating new joint third sector contracts In Partnership with ELFT, we advocate for improvements in the way mental health services are provided to end users with a focus on access for POC, citizens with SEND and the LGBTQI community. 


Rowntree Foundation x Coffee Afrik

Timely Execution

Poorest families hit hardest by pandemic and will find it hardest to recover - report

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